Some of the things you should know before you join.
If any of the following points is not something that you truly believe in, then this internship/job is probably not for you.
Charles Munger says,
“To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.”
At we will provide you intense, in-depth trainings. And full freedom to experiment and apply yourself.
But you have to really commit to taking the ownership of the project, learning and applying yourself to the fullest.
Are you an employee or a problem solver?
People who say, “I was assigned this responsibility. I have done it” are employees.
People who say, “I understand the end goal of the complete project. I have done what I was asked to do and I have taken these steps to move the complete project forward.” are problem solvers.
People who do what they are told are employees. People who take the responsibility of the whole project, apply creativity and do whatever is necessary to move the project forward are problem solvers.
We want to work with problem solvers and not employees.
Please reciprocate the flexibility with accountability.
We are very flexible with time. Lunch breaks, early offs and warm work environment. We expect you to reciprocate that with impeccable accountability and responsibility.